Holiday Ensemble 2022

Holiday Ensemble 2022

Our fall concert Welcome, Bach! was a venue-packed success.  Join us again for cheery holiday music in a variety of locations.

The Putnam Chorale’s Winter Ensemble will perform a 50-minute concert of holiday songs popular during the mid to late 1800s. The songs will transport you back to a period when singing and the playing of an instrument were the most dominant forms of entertainment in homes throughout the Hudson Valley.
The repertoire of the Putnam Chorale’s Winter Ensemble program will inspire and entertain you with songs that are representative of the era and of the holiday season.

December 10, 1:00 and 3:00 PM at Lyndhurst Mansion Carriage House.  Lyndhurst Tickets

December 10, 7:00 PM at St. John the Evangelist Church, Mahopac (suggested $10 donation at door)

December 18, 3:00 PM at Tompkins Corners Cultural Center  Tompkins Tickets

 Join us!  Call or email us for further information. We'd love to see you!  Contact Us