The Putnam Chorale is pleased to announce that it has received recognition as a 2017-18 Finalist–Honorable Mention in The American Prize ERNST BACON MEMORIAL AWARD for the PERFORMANCE of AMERICAN MUSIC, Community division. The submission and recognition is for our 2016 performance of William Schuman’s cantata Casey at the Bat.
The American Prize is a series of new, non-profit national competitions in the performing arts providing cash awards, professional adjudication and regional, national and international recognition for the best recorded performances by ensembles and individuals each year in the United States at the professional, college/university, church, community and secondary school levels. The award is administered by Hat City Music Theater, Inc., a nonprofit organization based in Danbury, Connecticut. In 2010 the Chorale was named a Semi-finalist in Choral Performance, Community/Faith Based Chorus division.
To quote the preamble to creating the American Prize “…in cities large and small all across the United States, great art is being made–in schools and churches, in colleges and universities, and by community and professional musicians, actors and composers. The media does not always tell us about these artists, but they are there, entertaining audiences, educating young people, and contributing to the quality of life in the communities they serve. It is time their work was recognized. That is the reason for The American Prize…”
We like to think we fit that bill perfectly. Follow the continuing story here on our website.